So we talked about the four elements, the four directions, the four pillars... The fifth element to account for in a basic pentagram is Spirit... Also called ether, energy, Spirit is the infinite source, the unexplainable magic that binds everything together... But this fifth element has a very special characteristic: it is also the very essence of everything else that exists. It is at the same time the primal essence of everything you see, and it is also all of that which makes you, YOU, your Self, your unique specific being with your very specific history.
In my own cosmic interpretation of the pentagram I see 5 realms of existence: spirit - consciousness - action - projection -corporality.
Now let me explain them just a bit... As I've been saying all along, we are all spirits, embodying a unique planetary and cosmic experience, so as I said on day one, you are your spirit all the time, not only when you are feeling spiritual. Our spirit is our primal essence, although spirits exists before and beyond what we know to be our soul and our current reality and understanding. So spirit is at the same time something we can ignore and feel separate from, but also the undeniable primal essence of it all. Our current reality comes from our own consciousness, and we are currently experiencing the growth and empowerment of our collective consciousness over the collective unconscious. Now, this is affected all the time by every action or non-action that we take, this is where I call upon cosmic action, to let your life flow from your highest consciousness, to take and partake action on the things that really matter to you deeply within your soul, because this matters. Other wise our actions may be coming blindly from old traumas, unwanted programs, or dark influences within us, all consequence of our own (or implanted) thoughts and ideas. But we all have the power to create and project new possibilities, we are all a projection of our inner vision, and this is how we can transmutate and transform our own experience, our vision, our mission or our own sense of purpose, our own embodiment of our eternal being. And this embodiment comes with many extensions. Our corporality is not only physical body, but how we embody our spirit, how we embrace our own individuality, what we are and what we can become through our mind, our feelings, our senses, our own being, our own clarity and connection. So this Cosmic Action Pentagram is a tool to help us recognize in which of these realms or stages we need to work in order to update and upgrade our Self for the best possible outcome, from your eternal being...
And just as I explained with the PLUR Method, I could easily match my vision of the 5 realms of existence with many other 5 point concepts that are out there, so if you'd rather use different names for this 5 realms according to your own path and practice, you can also adapt or create your own pentagram. The number five is related to movement, consciousness, the search for wisdom, freedom, and change... So the Cosmic Action Pentagram is like my wheel of life, I use it to organize my thoughts and restore my flow, reconnect with my deeper awareness and my magic. One very easy way of using it to reconnect with your own guidance or flow is to draw it or use an image of it to work over (like the one I am attaching), and use some of your own magic to figure out on which direction you need to focus your energy to update and upgrade your-Self and your current path. You could use any method from throwing your power stone or gem on to the pentagram's drawing to see where it lands or using a pendulum, all the way to just clearing your mind and visualizing the pentagram and meditating on it until you get a clear answer (or a feeling or sign) as to which realm to focus on, or what your next step should be.
This is just to mention a simple "divination game" approach, but in reality there are many levels to this pentagram. This symbol has been used in many traditions and religions throughout history, and as you may know it has even been subject to inconsequent negative connotations due to it's use by certain dark sects or cults throughout history. Nowadays it is largely used in the wiccan tradition, but the wiccan "pentacle" is different from my personal cosmic pentagram. So FYI, I am NOT wiccan, I have never studied or followed or been initiated to the wiccan tradition, and although I respect, I have many friends that follow this, and surely share a lot of common beliefs with them (because the wicca also rescues ancient traditions and natural wisdom), my cosmic action pentagram was channeled or adapted or created by myself for my own personal growth. There might even be an ancient tradition where you are supposed to do this, to create your own pentagram, so if mine just doesn't call you, or you already have a pentacle you work with, you are more than welcome to create or use your own. In it's core essence, though the concepts come from the same principles, my pentagram differs from the wiccan mostly in the order of which the elements are related, in relation to the directions or the points of the stars (you can see both pentagrams below, the wicca on the black background and mine below). I had my own reasons and followed my own nature to create my own pentagram, and it is meant to help me integrate not only the work I am doing for my-Self, but the work we are all doing for our planet. Remember I am a messenger of your own call, but I am also an emergency call for the planet. We need to focus on the things that really matter to us. Devote ourselves to our deepest truth, to our highest mission.
Remember this program is NOT about ME and the things I know, I am just a mirror, I am striving only to let you see the spirit and the eternal magic within you, and remind you that YOU ARE MUCH MORE POWERFUL than you think! In fact, stop thinking so much! And start truly FEELING life and FLOWING with your own intentions. You are here to go further and deeper into your own cosmos, and not only reconnect but REVIVE your spirit so it can impregnate your every-day life, and in doing this together we are helping raise the planetary frequencies. Fact, not fiction. We are all changing the world, all the time. All of us! So do strive to find your-own perfect balance, to experience harmony! Make your own way to your greatest Self expression and the exponential expansion of our planetary consciousness. Only YOU can make it happen. Just don't settle for less... Know your vision, care for it, see it and feel it to the detail... Work everyday towards it, one mission at a time, learning from every step and every fall. Don't get stuck when you're down. I know that sometimes we get struck by doubt, or pain, or anger, etc, but your spirit knows no failure, you are still full of magic, no matter what you are going through. Trust your inner voice and your process, and know that you can and WILL find your true bliss in this planet and lifetime... Own your spirit power and share your light with others. We're all in it together. Deep inside I am part of you, and you are part of me, and we are evolving TOGETHER.
So hit me back with some love, let me know your thoughts in the comments, is this all (or any of this) making any sense to you? is there are any specific realms that are calling out for your attention or focus? Don't over think it, just flow with it. Sometimes these things take some time to sink in, and then they start making sense out of the blue at some other point, and that's ok too. These first 5 days of our Deep Spirit Revival program are meant to simply lay down the foundations for the greater work we are doing together and introduce you to the tools and concepts we'll be working with, but remember that my main focus always will be to help you reconnect with your-own spirit guidance and your-own flow, and only then to work on the expansion of our planetary consciousness and our greater common goals.
Peace Love Unity Respect
The Nomad Lynx
Click here to see the cheat sheet of Day 5 (I personally like the design on this one).