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Meet our Team

The Nomad Lynx Academy

The Nomad Lynx Academy offers very unique programs that include Premium 1-1 Deep Soul Awareness Mentorships and Workshop/Training sessions with me, Flor Pastor a.k.a. The Nomad Lynx, but, I am certainly NOT alone in this. I have a beautiful team of spirit warriors who you get to meet and, depending on the program, work with (up to four 1-1 bonus sessions with the experts of your choice from our incredible team in our top tier).
Coming together from a wide variety of nationalities, backgrounds and experiences, our skilled team of professionals is the backbone of our Online School. This means that, depending on your situation, aspirations, and projects, we will fully personalize your program and mentors to optimize your results and get you on the fast track to fulfill your very own vision and mission with all might. Our goal is to help you own back your life, soul, inspiration, and creativity, so you can become an active part of the transformations you want to see in yourself and in our planet.
So meet our team, and click on any picture for more info or if you want to book a single coaching session with any of us (possible even if you are not enrolled in any program).


Flor Pastor

Founder, Director, and your main instructor at THE NOMAD LYNX ACADEMY

A.K.A. Fiore Pastore, Nomad Spirit, Nomad1407


Background in: International Relations, Performance and Dance-Therapy, Ancient Dance and Moving Meditation Traditions, Psychology, Body-mind and Spirit Awareness, and  Women's Healing Circles.



Amaranta Jacome

Feldenkrais Method ATM® Certified Consultant

Background in: Political Science, Gypsy and Oriental Dance, Theatre and Expression, Butoh. Feldenkrais Method®


Marcelo Marquis

Reconnective Healing & The Reconnection® and EFT Certified Consultant

Background in Sociology, Herbal Medicine, Holistic Therapy, Massage Therapy, Energetic Healing and Biodecodification.


Ibrahim Bem Yayah

Vedic Literature and Astrochiromancy Consultant

Background in: International Gaudiya Vedanta Society, Astrology, Astrochiromancy, Bhakti Yoga.


Raga Kaur

Yoga and Shakti Energy Consultant

Background in: Performance Arts, Traditional Indian and Fusion Dance, Women's Empowerment, Moving Meditation. Certified Hatha Yoga Trainer.


Era Villa

Political Freedom Philosophy and Community Art Consultant

Background in: International Relations, Political Philosophy, Latin-American Studies, Support for Women in Domestic Violence Situations, Holistic and Ritual Therapy, Thai Massage, Community Arts, Music, Writing.


Hector "Delfin" Hernandez

Senso-Healing® and Deep Meditation Consultant

Background in Communications, Radio Production, Sensory Perception, Yoga, Meditation. Creator of Senso-Healing®.


Founder and CEO of Sensorama®.


Orly Echavarry

Plastic Arts and Creative Process Consultant

Background in: Plastic Arts, Art History, Art Program Creation, Children's Art Programs.


Anna Guasch

Herbal and Flower Essence Therapy Consultant

Background in: Plastic Arts, Fashion Design, Janzu (water immersion therapy), Massage Therapy, Herbal Medicine. Flower Essence Certified Therapist.


Carmela Albarran

Qi Gong and Energy Healing Consultant

Background in: Education, Flower Essences Therapy,  Women's Dance and healing Circles, Reiki Certified Practitioner, Qi Gong Certified Instructor.


Grisel Fernandez

Deeper Perception Consultant

Background in: Shamanism, Human Synergy, Herbal Medicine, Mayan Tzolkin, Tarot, Spiritual Guidance.

Simen Lie

Vegan Nutrition Consultant

Background in: Business Development, Nutrition and Wellness, Certified Wholistic Nutrition Coach focused on Vegan Nutrition.

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