The Unschool of Being
A new approach to Spirituality, Mental Health, and Conscious Course Creation.
The Nomad Lynx offers a unique, multidisciplinary and multidimensional approach to Spirituality, Self Healing and Collective Growth!
Try ALL of our new VIP WORKSHOPS for FREE! Only during JUNE!
Signing up is easy! Click on RSVP on any of the following events to read full description, including some time zone equivalencies, and if the schedule doesn't seem to fit you, or you don't see any time zone near you, you can find other times and dates for that same event under "Select Different Date", each date/time will include different time zones in full description for reference. You're just one click away from there!
Come experience a new, multidisciplinary and multidimensional approach to all things spirituality and mental health, therapy, self-care, and Conscious Creation!
There is so much more to the world than what's going on in the social media and the mainstream online business trends!
There is a beautiful world full of magic out there, and a life in greater balance and harmony with Nature, available for ALL of us, where we all belong and are free to thrive. Another version of reality that is waiting for us to return from unconscious, destructive, individualistic, and supremacist patterns, as well as collapsing elitist systems, and to step into a new level of evolution, where we thrive in unity through unicity, and we live in a more magickal common reality or co-creation.
Do you have this vision? It's time to work together!
Our next evolution is Collective! We are here to restore, remember, and recreate our humanity and our shared experience, as we rise together within the wonderful possibilities of our collective consciousness. I-We-Gaia. 🌍
If this conversation means anything to you, WELCOME to your new online Haven! You are in the right place!
At The Nomad Lynx Academy, we gather as free embodied spirits, and empower each other to reconnect deeply with our own inner guidance, and with our Collective and Planetary Consciousness as we create and grow new projects and ventures within new human values.
So if you share this vision, and you are already part of a community of peers, experiencing our collective magickal expansion, rising towards a greater common reality, and working for greater common goals, then I welcome you to get in touch, and link our circles to learn how we can help each other and dive deeper into our collective re-evolution!
And if you don't really have a community with whom you can share your greatest visions and projects, and empower each other, then I invite you to join us at The Nomad Lynx Academy! We gather to support and inspire one another, spark soul-to-soul conversations, participate in conscious creation workshops + more...
Because there are SO MANY of us, currently growing in awareness and spirituality, beginning to understand our greater purpose in life, yet we're still scattered and isolated, feeling exhausted and alienated, and getting by without any growth or support systems to help us on our soul's deeper journey.
*Subscribe here to receive news and updates from The Nomad Lynx Academy! Follow our journey and receive FREE Guest Access to our special events and workshops!
Hi! My name is Flor Adriana Pastor, a.k.a. The Nomad Lynx, but The Nomad Lynx Academy (NLA) is way more than just me, it also extends to the great list of guest teachers and expert consultants that are available for you through the NLA's platforms and programs (Meet the Team) and it also includes everyone involved! Meaning ALL of you! All of us! I like to say that we are all the Nomad Links within our rising consciousness, which alludes to the spirit of the Lynx as well as to the fact that most of us are nomad souls, traveling through our paths in life, piecing lost and forgotten pieces together, within a higher collective consciousness, and looking to expand the light between our hearts.
I also like to call the NLA the Academy of Being, or the Unschool of Being. A place where you can be your-Self, express your spirit freely, talk and work upon your heart's calls, and aim flow better with the new energies around us, and what I call Intentional Cosmic Action.
We follow no doctrine and no dogmas, other than reconnecting with your-own-Self, through arts, through self-healing, through your-own-nature. And reconnect with the manifested world in a whole new way.
Because what if love REALLY is the key? What if art really is the ultimate antidote? and what if the answer to your struggle REALLY is to follow YOUR-OWN-FLOW? Your joy, your sense of purpose. What if the way to restoring the balance of LIFE 🧬 really is through our own transmutation and the transcendence of our own acts?
The truth is that the power of self-healing, as well as resilience and transformation, are INNATE powers to the human being, and not at all highly advanced techniques of meditation or manifestation. This is how, since we’re children or babies, and even from the womb, we can heal our physical wounds and survive all kinds of abuse without anyone teaching or guiding us.
But the "abused" spirit is cornered, forgotten, ignored, denied... "Spiritual" healing requires, first and foremost, recognition. Spirit needs to recognize its body and the body its spirit, to become one again. To integrate consciousness in the present moment, returning to your center, to your origin, way beyond the surface of the physical body. There is no cure or solution that does not come from within yourself, including the"outside" help you manifest.
There are no secret almighty formulas other than your-own-magic. So all of our programs are designed to help you in this process of recognition to own back our own power, clarity and sense of purpose, and flow into the transformations and manifestations you are meant to experience. And we'll be jumping right into it! We go by a "no-fluff", "no small talk" policy for sure!
Learn how to discern and grow. Reconnect with your own nature.
"Lynx as a spirit animal symbolizes awareness, change, ability, confidence, intuition, instinct, comfort, foresight, loyalty, independence, passion, patience, tranquility, secrets, revealing secrets, trust, understanding, the unseen and much more."
Did you know at least 10% of all of our Academy's proceedings will always go towards different Lynx-rescue and Lynx-habitat (the pristine wilderness they prefer) rescue organizations? Yes!!! Now you know! 😊
These are the current lynx-related donation projects we are supporting!:
Check out our ongoing programs, and feel free to book a complimentary call to get all details, or to ask any questions!
✨ Deep Soul Awareness ©️ ✨ refers to the natural capacity that we all have for unveiling the layers our personality, down to our deep soul, and the primal, cosmic energies of our own spirit. We do this by embracing greater consciousness within our present embodiment, and tuning to our infinite mind, to find and maintain a finer balance with our own nature.
Back to your-Self, back to Community, back to Nature.
During a Deep Soul Awareness ©️ session or program, the main focus is to create a safe, protected space, for soul-to-soul communication, and for advanced energy work through light activations and advanced guided meditation protocols. During which my focused intention is to help you understand where you're at within your own map and where we're at as a collective, in order to activate the knowledge and energies you/we I-us-Gaia need to update or upgrade our consciousness for the next steps or the next level of our journey into a greater reality, whatever that means for you here and now.
The full scope of the DEEP SOUL AWARENESS signature program, as multidisciplinary and multidimensional approach includes four different workshops, based on the work of 4 Pillars Principle, so they also correspond with the four elements, the four sacred values, the four cycles of the moon, etc. So this includes the following 4 circles/workshops offered monthly:
1. Deep Soul Awareness Circles
Where the focus is reconnecting with our own personal magick, and practice/share advanced meditation tools and energy protocols within a safe and protected space.
2. Cosmic Consciousness - Round Table
A special space to explore our cosmic mind, the fabric of our reality, our own perception of the infinite, and the expansion of our Collective and Planetary Consciousness.
3. Dance for the Spirit Art-Movement-Therapy
Deep reconnection through movement meditation to release blocks and stagnant energies, and tune back into our flow, through the magick of our own movement.
4. Collective Dreaming Circles
Where we explore dreamwork, dreamland, lucid dreaming, Social Dreaming, Dream Tending, Interdimensional Weaving, and more!
If you are resonating with any and all of this, I would love to see you there!
These workshops are currently being offered live weekly through my ongoing programs, in small private groups, and you can join our open sessions through this website. Monthly memberships provide access to our gatherings, as well as free access to our resource library, and personalized support and follow-up. Starting at only USD $7 to $25 monthly depending on workshops, or number of sessions included for group programs, and only $99 for personalized programs.
I am also offering 1-1 ✨ Deep Soul Awareness ✨ Personal 1-1 Soul , which is a crafted multidimensional experience that will help you get new spiritual clarity on any specific areas of your life (or in general), and reconnect you deeply with your own spirit magick & inner guidance, immediately and in a way that feels natural to you!
Book a free call right here to learn more and to experience the quality of the tools and energy work protocols that we work with, in a free (included) guided meditation, to see if this program could be what you're looking for.
Planetary Projects Laboratories is where Deep Soul Awareness meets Conscious Creation. It is a bimonthly program designed to help you define and integrate your own greater collective goals as a spiritual entrepeneur, so as to design and create the program or project of your dreams to help your vision and mission flourish. It includes new Soul-led Business models, e-learning and course creation strategies, aimed to create coherent projects and offers that have an amazing positive impact in the world and in our personal life & business, at the same time that they allow our spirit to flow freely.
Please note, this is N🚫T a profit oriented get-rich-quick-with-your-spiritual-business kind of program, there are MANY of those out there and I am not in any way competing with those, but instead this IS about fulfilling your soul's ultimate desires, and shedding the layers of what you think you want ,or what you feel is expected from you, to step into your own next-level of reality and manifestation. No "soul-washing" whatsoever!Book a free call here to learn more about how this interactive program works, and about our special introduction prices starting at $49 and up to $199.- depending on the services included.
The Nomad Lynx Academy started oficially in 2018, as the "Online school for Deep Self Healing", offering a different approach as well as complimentary guidance, for people undergoing traditional mental health diagnosis and treatments for depression and anxiety, and searching for answers beyond popular yet often shallow self-care trends and practices.
I expanded my vision as a service-based entrepeneur when it became clear that the kind of work I do is of great service for many people going through deep changes in their life and tuning into their greater soul missions within the expansion of our collective consciousness, independently of whether or not they may be dealing with, or looking to address specifically issues of depression as such, so I broadened my focus to actively work on the expansion of our Collective/Planetary Consciousness through new programs, but I still work with artists, healers, and visionaries who struggle specifically with persistant depression or anxiety, through 1-1 Guided Self-Therapy programs (goal-based programs designed to meet your specific needs), that include the Deep Soul Awareness tools and advanced meditation techniques and protocols that we use in other programs, and that you can add to your everyday practice as part of your blissful healing journey.
Book a free call here to learn more about my personalized Guided Self-Therapy plans.
Hi! In case you're reading this far and you still feel like you don't know much about me, here's a quick intro. My name is Flor Adriana Pastor Riande, a.k.a. The Nomad Lynx. I am a Mexican Nomad, currently living in Sacramento, California, a bachelor of International Relations (which we used to call Intergalactic Illusions back in the day), graduated from the best university in Mexico City -and one of the best in Latin America and the World, UNAM! (Mexico's National Autonomous University). I am also a devoted cosmic dancer and an avid student of our mind's traps and paths, apprentice to all things truth and growth, and spirit magic.
I have been lovingly and patiently crafting and curating the tools and methods that I am sharing for many years, integrating different experiences, studies, spiritual practices, research, learning techniques, etc, into my own multidisciplinary and mystical approach to help you unveil your own personal magick.
These methods include but are not limited to Deep Soul Awareness, the 4-7-1 Method, Intentional Cosmic Action, and more...!
Read more about me and the origins of The Nomad Lynx story HERE!
If you have any questions about this website or any of our programs, please do not hesitate to reach out! I am more than happy to address any of your questions, comments, or concerns, and share about everything we do at The Nomad Lynx Academy