My dear friends, I honor your spirits, and I thank you for joining this journey. We talk about revival when something comes back to life, referring to a certain energy or movement that becomes "popular, active, or important again" (as defined in dictionaries). We have all been going through a major spiritual revival as part of this planet, awakening our planetary consciousness. Our starting point is our very own consciousness. We have all been had magical moments of enlightenment, when we feel connected and understanding, and when we can see the light or the love or the gods themselves (or God or Jesus or Allah or however you may call our primal source of life, in absolutely everything we see, when we feel the subtle and perfect balance of it all. What I will be evoking here with you for the next 30 days is to go deeper into your own spirituality, and have that greater consciousness revive yourself, become popular, active, important again. I know for a fact that all of us here in this group already have an active spiritual life, but by going deeper I mean to shine some light over exactly how much we need each other, and how urgent it is that we keep this revival rising, not for ourselves as individuals, but for all of us a rising collective consciousness. This is something that is happening naturally, but as you may have experienced there is a lot of resistance, and that is why it becomes ever more vital that we keep working hard and going deep on the things that come from our heart, our intuition, our love, our spirit. I believe this matters more than anything. And I call for a Deep Spirit Revival to make a point of not being shallow about it. This is not new age talk, it's not a business, it's not an attempt at fame or a big following. I couldn't care less about the mainstream ways and the new spirituality industry, I stand by the Deep in this revival.
So today I want you to start by recognizing that you are what you are, without definitions, without explanations, without limitations... You are your spirit all the time, not just when you're feeling "spiritual". We are made of the same mysterious cosmic dust that bursts entire universes into existence, we are here to keep evolving, and we are living at the edge of a quantum cosmic event; no one knows exactly how it will all turn out, but we are free to participate in it as we may. This life is just another expression of your whole Self (your divine eternal source), another universe of possibilities for you to experience. Your soul itself, the very essence and nature of your embodiment, is also an expression of your own spirit, and you carry within you all the information and tools you may ever need to get through in this life. In this universe, we have the power to express and articulate anything we focus on, but just as well, we have the free will to let go of that power and follow other scripts instead, other visions, other programs -not our own.
We take control of our own creative power by reconnecting DEEPLY with what we are (which is much more than just a powerless human in a sick society), reconnecting DEEPLY with our own feelings (trying to understand where they come from and why they're there), and reconnecting DEEPLY with what we ALREADY know, the certainties we have DEEP WITHIN... That which we just somehow KNOW that we know, and is our raw deepest truth. We must KNOW what we KNOW, same as we should know that we also don't know a whole bunch, and there will ALWAYS be more truth to learn and more growth to experience.
Many of us, all around the world, are already on board on the mission of helping many others reconnect with their own nature and knowledge, and join the expansion of collective consciousness over the collective unconscious. We have many obstacles, but we know the importance of our actions, we care about the rest of us, we can not rise alone. In reconnecting with our spirit, we immediately get the sense of how we are all connected, and we start to understand how we transform our common reality with every single action or non-action that we take (this means that whatever you're NOT doing also matters quite a lot, for better or for worse). So it is vital to understand the difference it makes when we follow our own flow and guidance (from deep inside, not from superficial streams), and we take action on the things that really matter to us. Spirit is like a master switch, ready to ignite your whole Self, and highly sensitive to being summoned.
I don't know if you have a morning ritual, but it would be a good practice to call upon your own spirit guidance every morning when you wake up during these thirty days. You may already have a routine, and you may already start your day with a special mantra or meditation. If this is the case just add to it the intention of going deeper into your spirit, and if you don't already have a routine or a morning ritual, just make one up. For example, I like to say to myself (in silence or out loud as needed) "I am my own spirit, present here and now, every day, all the time", and I also have a personal mantra (in sanskrit) that I use sometimes, and I also like to take a couple of minutes to feel my body, maybe stretch, maybe give myself a self-massage, maybe make a couple of vigorous dance or a movement meditation to activate and empower my own embodiment for the day... The point is to take a couple of minutes at waking, just to honor your embodiment, and call upon your own spirit guidance and presence all through the day, and also through the night when you go back to dreamland (a world that may be even more real than the waking state, we'll talk about that later on).
Aim for crystal clarity and trust your own natural flow through the day. Take a few moments to write in your journal about how you are feeling in general these days, and what comes to your mind when thinking of reconnecting with your spirit. Write down any words or emotions that come to you, even when they don't seem to make any sense. Include all the things that make you YOU, your unique passions, your dreams, your superpowers, your talents, even your bizarre visions... Anything that comes to mind. Your journal is a map of your mind, so it is very important that you feel free to express your-Self through it. And I will be evoking different aspects of your own spirit revival every-day during the next 30 days, so it's important that you keep track of your journey, you will discover many more things that you can imagine right now. So you can include any drawings, pictures, collages, or any free-writing that flows through you at any time.
I will be including a link to the day's summary in every email, as a summary and visual aid, let me know how useful you find them, and if you would like a copy of these files at the end of the program. On the lower left corner you will usually see a picture of a notebook and a reminder of what we're working on or what you should write or draw about for the day. The work in your journal is absolutely private but important for you to follow. And you can always share your thoughts, discoveries, feelings or anything you want to share with the rest of us by replying to this mail. Here's the link for Day 1.
Also, I'd like to remind you of the Self-diagnosis test I just uploaded on my website, I just finished correcting a few details, and it is ready to go. It really is a surprisingly great tool, and if you submit the forms I will talk you through your results and how to apply this test for yourself in the future. It would be amazing if we all submit a test today at the beginning of the program, and at least once more (or up to once a week) at the end of the program to spot our progress. I already submitted mine to see where I'm at :) please consider submitting yours here:
We will also be having a live session once a week! Stay tuned for the details for that. It will be through Google Meetings which is the simplest way I've found. We'll run a test session sometime during the week but our meetings will be on the weekends on a day and time that we find most suitable for all.
Have a great Sunday and send me a word if anything in this email has started to move your soul in any way.
Peace Love Unity Respect